From when my Parents gave me my first train set for a Christmas present as a child, I have had an interest in model railways. I originally started in "OO" gauge, but have also built in "N" and "O" gauge. The last layout I built was my exhibition layout "Holmehurst" which was in "O" gauge, and I exhibited it around the country. Photos of it can be seen by following this link.

I inherited some "OO9" rolling stock from my late father, including a loco I built from a white metal kit for him, and ever since living on our working narrowboat Hadar I have been thinking about building a "OO9" layout.

For those who do not know, "OO9" is "OO" scale, which is 4mm to 1ft, but the track and rolling stock are narrow gauge, equivalent to 2ft gauge in real life. Modelling-wise this means that I can used standard "OO" scale buildings, people, scenery etc. of which there is a far greater range of ready built items and kits to choose from, but it has the advantage that the reduced size of the track and rolling stock means that curves can be tighter than for standard gauge, without losing a realistic look within a restricted layout size.

I had thought about building a layout in our garden alongside our mooring at the Saltisford Canal Centre, but after much thought decided that this would not be practical. However I built a small layout (now dismantled) which sat on the shelf above the display cabinet, in our saloon, which houses my "O" gauge rolling stock. Having finished it, my wife Jo suggested that when we stop selling coal I could build a layout in the hold. As we stopped selling coal at the end of 2016.

I have now built the layout. This is now a full record of the building of this layout and any new additions along the way.

Please feel free to leave comments, I am always interested in suggestions or questions.

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Mini Class 20 & 47 Part 2

Mini Class 47 and 20 painted today, awaiting the transfers and chassis's in the post to complete.


Mini Class 20 & 47

These 2 arrived this morning, a mini class 20 and a mini class 47, primer coat applied already.


Monday 27 July 2020

No Waiting

Today I created these "No Waiting" signs and placed them around the layout.

 If you can't quite read them,this is the original sign.


Sunday 26 July 2020

Stop-Go Boards

A few days ago I made a pair of stop/go boards. 
I have fixed them to a couple of operatives and placed them either side of the roadworks scene. ⛏


Saturday 25 July 2020

Notice Boards Part 2

3 more noticeboards made and fitted on the layout this morning.
Considering the noticeboard on the back of the station building is actually on the back side of it, not a bad guess at getting it level!

In the village.

On the pub wall.


Friday 24 July 2020

Mini Class 37 Part 7

The mini Class 37 only needs some transfers to finish it off.


Whistles & Safety Valves

This morning I fitted whistles and safety valves to these 4 locos. 😊 
Unfortunately not enough room on the Peco James on the left for a pair of valves. 😞


Thursday 23 July 2020

Mini Class 37 Part 6

Much happier with the repaint of the mini Class 37, I have brush painted it this time with BR loco green, looks a lot better. 
Leaving it overnight to dry before removing the painting stick and painting the cab insides.


Notice Boards

Today I assembled 3 notice boards.

I then fitted them around the layout.


Gas Bottle Cage Part 2

The painted gas bottle cage with gas bottles in it. 

The gas bottle cage in it's location at Mr Beeton's garage.


Wednesday 22 July 2020

Gas Bottle Cage

Today I assembled this gas bottle cage.


Mini Class 37 Part 5

I painted the grills on the mini Class 37.


Tuesday 21 July 2020

Mini Class 37 Part 4

Recently I have been suffering with my back, last couple of days it had started to improve, but this morning it decided to kick back in, so I have been taking it easy.
I have however removed what looked like chevrons on the front doors of the mini Class 37.


Monday 20 July 2020

Mini Class 37 Part 3

I wasn't very happy with the result of the spraying of the mini 37 in it's top coat green, it looked really rough.
So overnight I soaked it in methylated spirits, to strip off the painted and started again by respraying it in primer.


Roadworks Safety Barriers

Yesterday I assembled the new works safety barriers and started painting them. 
This morning I finished painting them and have put some of them out on the roadworks near the farm.


Sunday 19 July 2020

Mini Class 37 Part 2

Coat of Brunswick green paint applied this morning.


Saturday 18 July 2020

Mini Class 37

Today I spray primered the mini Class 37 loco.
It is a cut-down version of the standard gauge Class 37 still in operation on our railways today.
It should make for an interesting addition to my loco stock.


Friday 17 July 2020

Small Saddle Tank Loco Part 3

Today I fitted a working chassis to the James loco I have been working on recently.
Very pleased with the result considering when I bought the kit I was going to have it as a static model.


Thursday 16 July 2020

No Waiting Cones

Yesterday I painted the "no waiting" cones and applied the transfers.
This morning I put them along the towpath-side of Church Road.

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Enough Box Vans

I think I have enough box vans of various sorts now.


Tuesday 14 July 2020

3 Smaller Narrow Gauge Insul-fish Wagons Part 3

This morning I sprayed white the 3 smaller Insul-fish vans.
This afternoon, once they were dry, I painted the roofs and under-frames, made and fitted the couplings, fitted the wheels, then finally this afternoon I applied the transfers to these 3 vans.

I also applied the transfers to the original larger Insul-fish van.

All 4 finished Insul-fish vans.


Monday 13 July 2020

3 Smaller Narrow Gauge Insul-fish Wagons Part 2

Final bracing added, also door handles and roofs fitted, and glued to sticks ready for spraying when it stops raining. 🌧


Sunday 12 July 2020

3 Smaller Narrow Gauge Insul-fish Wagons.

Today I have started to make 3 smaller versions of the Insul-fish I have recently finished.
3 floors added to the 3 under-frames and 6 end walls.

6 side walls and doors.

Walls added to the floors and under-frames.

Door frames and T section braces on end walls added. 
Original Insul-fish van in the background for size comparison.
