From when my Parents gave me my first train set for a Christmas present as a child, I have had an interest in model railways. I originally started in "OO" gauge, but have also built in "N" and "O" gauge. The last layout I built was my exhibition layout "Holmehurst" which was in "O" gauge, and I exhibited it around the country. Photos of it can be seen by following this link.

I inherited some "OO9" rolling stock from my late father, including a loco I built from a white metal kit for him, and ever since living on our working narrowboat Hadar I have been thinking about building a "OO9" layout.

For those who do not know, "OO9" is "OO" scale, which is 4mm to 1ft, but the track and rolling stock are narrow gauge, equivalent to 2ft gauge in real life. Modelling-wise this means that I can used standard "OO" scale buildings, people, scenery etc. of which there is a far greater range of ready built items and kits to choose from, but it has the advantage that the reduced size of the track and rolling stock means that curves can be tighter than for standard gauge, without losing a realistic look within a restricted layout size.

I had thought about building a layout in our garden alongside our mooring at the Saltisford Canal Centre, but after much thought decided that this would not be practical. However I built a small layout (now dismantled) which sat on the shelf above the display cabinet, in our saloon, which houses my "O" gauge rolling stock. Having finished it, my wife Jo suggested that when we stop selling coal I could build a layout in the hold. As we stopped selling coal at the end of 2016.

I have now built the layout. This is now a full record of the building of this layout and any new additions along the way.

Please feel free to leave comments, I am always interested in suggestions or questions.

Friday 29 April 2022

2022 Travels

 'Hadarford' always looks very different with rolling stock and road vehicles removed and safely stored away for travelling, and protective screening fitted in case of little fingers of visitors. 😊.

All ready for setting off tomorrow for a couple of months. 😁


Thursday 28 April 2022

Sentry Guards Van Part 2

 Managed to complete the sentry box guards van today, before we set off on our travels Saturday.

It is attached to a bug-box train, which I have built it to go with. 😊


Wednesday 27 April 2022

Sentry Guards Van

 Over the last few days I have slowly been assembling this metal kit of a Ffestiniog sentry guards van, which will go with my bug-boxes.

Today I finished assembly and primed it. 😊

Now painted.


Tuesday 26 April 2022

Telecomms Cabinet

 For some years now, this engineer has been sitting working at this telecoms cabinet, he must be getting very bored, so I have purchased a set of 6 cabinets, and today sprayed them green.

1 of them I will alternate with the open one that he is working on.

I have no idea what I am going to do with the other 5 cabinets!

I have repainted the original open cabinet to match.

At last the engineer has been able to got back to the exchange for a nice cup of tea. ☕️


Tuesday 19 April 2022

New Brake Van Part 2

 Today I added glazing, couplings and roof to the new brake van pictured with the bug boxes it is intended to go with.


Monday 18 April 2022

Sunday 17 April 2022

New Brake Van

 Over the last week I have slowly been making this brake van from a kit.

I primed it Friday and today gave it some top coat.

Just needs glazing, couplings, and roof adding and painted to finish. 😊


Easter Egg Special. 🐣


Saturday 16 April 2022

Easter Saturday Toast Rack Special

 0-4-0 'Princess' heading to South Crossing with the toast rack Easter special.


Friday 15 April 2022

Good Friday Double Day

 Good Friday is "double day" for the start of the Easter specials.

Double Fairlie 'Pandora' and double heading Baldwins 'Keith' and Alfred James' operating services for Good Friday. 😊


Monday 11 April 2022

Weekend Away at Aintree

 The Smith family returning from their weekend away at Aintree, sadly the girls horses did not do well this year.


Sunday 10 April 2022

PW Works Completed

 Things don't always go to plan.

The works were not completed by late yesterday evening as hoped for.

An early start this morning saw them finished and both works trains set off for Alfa Central.

Everything ready for the summer season, starting next weekend with the Easter specials.


Saturday 9 April 2022

Weekend PW Works

 Early start this morning on this weekends works in preparation for the Easter weekend. 😊


Friday 8 April 2022

Works Train

 The works train has arrived at the canal wharf, ready to start work on the track over the weekend, with

0-6-0 diesels 'Oliver' and 'Oscar' at either end.


Thursday 7 April 2022

 Following Bert Mills discussion with PW depot manager Nick Peterson, Nick is out with general manager Brian Walton, chief engineer Fred Martin, treasurer Lawrence Cooper, and PW foreman John Williamson to see what work has to be done prior to the increase in services for the summer starting this Easter.


Wednesday 6 April 2022

 The mail train arriveth.


Tuesday 5 April 2022

Important Discussion

Bert Mills has stopped 'Oscar' at the PW depot for a quick chat with the works manager Nick Peterson about some work to the track that needs to be done before the Easter specials.


Monday 4 April 2022

2-6-0 tank engine 'Beryl'

 2-6-0 tank engine 'Beryl' hauling a down freight passing Hadarford lock. 😊


Sunday 3 April 2022

'Princess' Crew

 Yesterday and this morning I painted the crew for Little England loco 'Princess'

I will not glue them in place so I can swap them around for when the engine is running in reverse.


Saturday 2 April 2022

Warm Milk!

 Not a good time for station master Ralph Stevens to be chatting to Peter Smith driving 0-4-4-0 double Fairlie 'Pandora', the milk on the milk float waiting at the crossing gates will be getting warm! 😳


Friday 1 April 2022

0-4-0 Little England 'Princess'

New loco 0-4-0 Little England 'Princess' on it's 1st turn of service on the up bug box service having just left Hadarford station and passing Hadarford lock.

This one replaces the faulty one I returned, excellent service by Hatton's, they even test ran it for me, and added extra packing.

P.S. I do have a crew for her, their primer coat of paint is drying as I type. 😁

And a video of on it's 2nd up service passing Hadarford lock. 

It hauls all 8 carriages up the 1:140 gradient comfortably
