From when my Parents gave me my first train set for a Christmas present as a child, I have had an interest in model railways. I originally started in "OO" gauge, but have also built in "N" and "O" gauge. The last layout I built was my exhibition layout "Holmehurst" which was in "O" gauge, and I exhibited it around the country. Photos of it can be seen by following this link.

I inherited some "OO9" rolling stock from my late father, including a loco I built from a white metal kit for him, and ever since living on our working narrowboat Hadar I have been thinking about building a "OO9" layout.

For those who do not know, "OO9" is "OO" scale, which is 4mm to 1ft, but the track and rolling stock are narrow gauge, equivalent to 2ft gauge in real life. Modelling-wise this means that I can used standard "OO" scale buildings, people, scenery etc. of which there is a far greater range of ready built items and kits to choose from, but it has the advantage that the reduced size of the track and rolling stock means that curves can be tighter than for standard gauge, without losing a realistic look within a restricted layout size.

I had thought about building a layout in our garden alongside our mooring at the Saltisford Canal Centre, but after much thought decided that this would not be practical. However I built a small layout (now dismantled) which sat on the shelf above the display cabinet, in our saloon, which houses my "O" gauge rolling stock. Having finished it, my wife Jo suggested that when we stop selling coal I could build a layout in the hold. As we stopped selling coal at the end of 2016.

I have now built the layout. This is now a full record of the building of this layout and any new additions along the way.

Please feel free to leave comments, I am always interested in suggestions or questions.

Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Giving Sheep a Woolly Coat

 Giving a ram a mucky woolly coat using static electricity. 🐑

A cleaner white coat for this sheep.


We Appear to Have Dead Sheep!

 We appear to have dead sheep whilst 0-4-4-0 double Fairlie 'Earl of Merioneth' awaits the signal to proceed into Hadarford station. In removing them yesterday from being glued amongst the static grass, some of the grass had stuck to their legs, and in removing said grass I removed the black paint on their legs, so I repainted them, then laid them down where they came from to dry, so when having given them their woolly coats they will go back where they came from. Hence why some of the ones I have already done are playing dead, I will glue them all in place once they are all treated. 

P.S. Now where did I put my glasses? 🤔 (A little hint, This photo which I took 1st) 🤓 😂


Monday, 30 January 2023

4wDM 'Hadar'

 4wDM 'Hadar' emerging from the road bridge to pass by Hadarford lock with a freight train. 😊


Sunday, 29 January 2023

Croc Clips on Sticks

Yesterday morning I drilled holes in my painting board to accommodate the new croc clips on sticks.


In the afternoon I used the croc clips on sticks for the 1st time, certainly makes holding whilst painting and drying small items a lot easier. 😊


Saturday, 28 January 2023

1st Nine Sheep

 1st nine sheep now have woolly coats, 25 more to go. 🐑🐑🐑


Video of Hadarford by David Johns of CruisingTheCut.

Video of Hadarford by David Johns of CruisingTheCut. Took all day and a lot of it on the cutting room floor, but I am very pleased with the result.


Thursday, 26 January 2023

Sheep Painting and Other Things

This morning I repainted the test sheep, the original matt black paint came off in my fingers so had to strip the paint off, wash them and soaked in vinegar. I have been waiting for a new pot of matt black paint to arrive, which it now has,  let's hope this paint sticks this time. 🐑🐑🐑 

After lunch I carried on painting some bits and pieces, one of which, the fork lift truck, now resides behind Beeton's Garage. 😁 


Wednesday, 25 January 2023

4-6-0 Baldwin 'Alfred James'

 4-6-0 Baldwin 'Alfred James' passing through the PW depot with a goods train. 😊


Tuesday, 24 January 2023

0-4-0 Hunslet 'Charles'

 0-4-0 Hunslet 'Charles' rounding Hadarford hill with a ballast train. 😊 


Monday, 23 January 2023

Maintenance Train

 6wDM diesel 'Oscar' on maintenance train duty passing Hadarford lock 😊


Sunday, 22 January 2023

Logging Loco

 Bo-Bo logging loco 'Marmite' ahead of a log train passing Hadarford woods. 😊 


Saturday, 21 January 2023

Double Fairlies Double Heading

 Double Fairlies 'Earl of Merioneth’ and 'Merddin Emrys' double heading the up passenger service passing Hadarford lock. 😊 


Friday, 20 January 2023

New arrival 0-4-4-0 double Fairlie 'Earl of Merioneth'

New arrival in the post this morning, 0-4-4-0 double Fairlie 'Earl of Merioneth' arrives at Hadarford station with the up morning passenger service. 😊


Monday, 16 January 2023

Exiting Hadarford Tunnel.

 6wDM diesel 'Oliver' with shunters wagon exiting Hadarford tunnel and passing between Beeton's garage and the engine maintenance yard where 2-6-0 tank engine 'Doris' and 6wDM diesel 'Oscar' are taking on fuel. 😊


Revised Layout Plan

 Over the weekend I finally got round to adding to the plan of Hadarford.

I changed the solid line representing the track in the tunnel underneath the farm with a dashed line, and added the castle ruins walls.

I still need to add the building for the PW depot to finish it off.


Sunday, 15 January 2023

4-6-0 Baldwin 'Joanne'

 4-6-0 Baldwin 'Joanne' passing through the PW depot below the castle ruins on its way to Hadarford with the up passenger service. 😊 


Saturday, 14 January 2023

 New loco 0-4-0 saddle tank 'Charles' emerging from fiddleyard tunnel with a mixed goods train. 😊

You have to have great faith in your trackwork and rolling stock to be able to reverse up gradient back into the fiddleyard across 2 facing points. 😁


Thursday, 12 January 2023

0-4-0 Little England "Princess"

 0-4-0 little England "Princess" hauling a bugbox train past Hadarford lock on it's way to Hadarford station. 😊 


Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Seasonal Mail Vans

 Boxcab 'Haedi' returning the seasonal mail vans to Alfa Central for storage until next year, and the empty standard mail vans ready for their next load. 😊
